Friday, March 30, 2007

Looking after Elderly Relatives:Handbags and money

After your elderly relative goes into a care home, you will probably still have to make a lot of phone calls and receive phone calls. You will probably still get calls such as the following:

1 Chat
From your relative : 'Please phone me every day. There's nobody I can talk to. Everybody else is ga-ga.'
This could involve you in several calls because

a) The office does not answer during mealtimes.
b) The office has to go and find your relative.
c) The office is too busy or not staffed.
d) The care home has more than one lounge and TV room so you are kept waiting.
e) Your relative has have moved rooms.

2 Shopping
'Please take me out shopping. I need new clothes and shoes. '

3 Outings
'Please take me out on Sunday afternoon. Everybody else is collected by their family and I'm the only one sitting on my own.'

4 Finance
'Please take me to the post office or bank because I need money. '

5 Property
'My house needs to be sold. '

You need to contact family around the world to get agreement.

They may need to come tot he property to choose items they wish to be given.

The relative's clothes and souvenirs must be given to them - could take several visits.

Valuables and documents must be saved and distributed.

House clearance people must be met for estimates.

Goods must be delivered to family, friends, charity, former neighbours, staff at the care home who asked for things.

House clearance people must be let into the property.

If the property is left empty marks will be left on walls showing where furniture and pictures and sockets were, so painters must be let in to decorate ready for sale.

Reach agreement with letting agent as to who holds the key to the property (eg caretaker of flats) and whether they expect a fee or 'tip' or whether they are paid and that is included in the
fee charged by the letting agent or sales agent.
6 'My post needs to be collected.'

7 'I need letters from social security and the bank answered. '

8 'Social security are visiting me to see whether I am eligible for a grant and I need to produce documents. '

You might also get calls from the care home saying:

'She / he wants to go out for a walk in the fresh air and needs an escort to be sure she / he does not fall over and we don't have enough staff.'

'Your relative has take a large amount of money out of the bank. It's in their wallet in their bag and they leave it behind on the chair in the hall or lounge when they go to talk to another resident of answer the phone. We can't persuade them to put it in our safe. Please come and sort this out. '

UK handbag = US purse
UK purse or wallet = US billfold

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